A filling, budget-friendly recipe that will feed four generously - what's not to like about this salmon recipe? We've got a lovely little video of it too,...
Wonderfully moist and flavorful. We like our salmon on the firmer side, but this can easily be adjusted. Just lower the cooking temperature if you prefer...
Frozen salmon fillets are so economical, but I often forget to defrost them! This recipe calls for adding frozen salmon fillets directly to your Instant...
My inspiration for this splendid recipe came from a dish on the menu at Longhorn® Steakhouse. I've guessed how it's made and decided to add strawberries...
This marinade is great for grilled salmon. It works well with any cut of salmon. However, I typically use salmon fillets. I like king salmon best, but...
This smoked salmon derives its flavor from Alder wood planks. I get these planks at the local lumber yard. Be sure you tell whoever helps you that you...
Baking salmon in a foil packet it a very healthy way of preparing fish, because you don't need to use any fat for the baking process. I season the salmon...
This buttery lemon-garlic salmon is easy to throw together with a few simple ingredients. For best results, use center-cut fillets that are about 1-inch...
I came up with this recipe for my Husband's boss who can not get enough heat or garlic in his food. He still requests this dish often, according to this...
This is a very unique recipe. The salmon in this recipe gets steamed by the water in the rice. I was leery that this would never work, but it did, and...
From Canada with love - a superb way of serving salmon fillets with a bit of a sweet kick. This can't-miss recipe is from my great friend Sharon O. in...
This is a dish my brother prepared for me in Seattle. It is by far the best salmon I've ever eaten. I like to serve it with an Asian-inspired rice and...
My kids love salmon and I created this recipe so we could have another delicious way to cook it. This recipe is tasty for kids and also great to serve...
These savory salmon burgers hold up well on the grill, especially if you use a nice fillet of wild king salmon. Serve on an onion roll with lettuce, tomato,...
This is my favorite salmon recipe that I put together in college. This can be done on the grill or in the oven. By pairing salmon with rich/tangy lemon,...
This salmon piccata is restaurant worthy and made with a seasoning called 'Capitol Hill seasoning' from the Savory Spice® shop. If you do not have the...
This salmon recipe which was given by my mother is out of this world. Even my husband who hates salmon will eat this. This marinade is also very good on...
A healthy flavorful dish with vibrant colors, salmon with sauteed tomatoes is a quick meal to make on a weeknight, but perfect for a special occasion....
The perfect summer salmon recipe. Light but bursting with flavor. Salmon and broccolini are steamed on a bed of lemon, ginger, and garlic with orange juice...
Surprise guests at any summer soiree with this restaurant-like recipe. Prepare the lime butter in advance. Sear the fish and while it rests, stir in some...
I made up this recipe with some summer fruit that I had on hand. I wanted something to go with some nice fresh salmon that I was planning to cook on the...
Fresh salmon needs very little preparation. These salmon fillets are cooked in good, sweet butter and minced garlic, and then sprinkled with a little lemon...
This dish shows off the importance of contrasting textures and temperatures when assembling a dish. The hot, crisp-skinned salmon tops a warm, soft, earthy...
Original Basque recipe for salmon, tuna, or similar fish. This was made by fisherman and is almost foolproof. You won't believe how juicy the dish turns...
You're going to love this quick-cured salmon technique. While the process is incredibly simple, the potential variations are endless. Whether you're talking...